Tech at Trial - Smart Guidelines for the Use of Tech in the Courtroom

We technophiles in the law business spend a lot time grousing about the Luddite techno-troglodytism of the profession. Lawyers don’t get e-discovery. Judges don’t get metadata. The Court system doesn’t allow for paperless proceedings. Yada blabla yada.

So it’s gratifying to write about the National Guidelines Regarding The Use Of Electronic Communication Devices In Court Proceedings. A simple, clear, short policy statement on tech devices in the courtroom.

Published by the non-for-profit Canadian Centre for Court Technology (CCCT-CCTJ), the Guidelines set out, in under 400 words:

  • what devices can be used in a courtroom
  • who can use them
  • how they can and can’t be used

The Working Group that devised the Guidelines is a judicious mix of Bar, Bench, Government, Media and Academia. They did well.

One grouse. Could the drafters have not made the title of the Guidelines about 12 miles shorter? What would be wrong with Guidelines on Communication Devices in the Courts?

Otherwise, well done. Have a read of the Guidelines here.


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